
Dear Tiny,

Today I talked with a couple friends who are dads and who have kids that are about 10 years older than you will be. I asked them advice on things like college savings and life insurance and guardianship. These things are well outside our comfort zone (since neither me nor Dad are lawyers or financial planners), but we know it's important to think about this stuff in case of emergencies.

There are going to be aspects of your life that you are almost wholly uninterested in, bud. Things like student loans (and how they work) or savings accounts or planning for retirement. So here's a little piece of advice from your old mom: doing anything is better than doing nothing. Ask a friend to grab coffee to explain the way he or she tackles this stuff. Ask me or Dad about how we made our decisions. Talk to a professor that you respect or a boss who seems to have it figured out... the lesson here is that even taking tiny steps towards being financially (and legally) responsible can be so worth it.

And the best feeling in the world is when you tackle something really hard or uninteresting and finish it off!
