
Dear Tiny,

Tonight Dad and I went out to grab some dinner and spent the whole time talking about your name! This is a very funny problem to solve. If I had it my way you'd be names Jean-Pierre or Juliette or something equally uber-French (just kidding! sort of...). But luckily Dad is there to keep me in check and I for him. (His ideas aren't much better!)

After we got our food, Dad asked me what one thing I'd like to be true about the person you become and I said I wished that you would be kind. Dad said he hoped you would be healthy. Kind and healthy seemed like a great start, so then we each added one more; I said that I hoped you would grow up to be self-sufficient and Dad said he wanted you to know love.

We were really amazed how kindness, health, independence and love are such simple dreams for the tiny life we've created, but that's truly what we wish for you. You can be smart or dull, tall or short, goofy or serious... but above all we want you to have a happy life. And we're going to do everything we can to help you get there!
