
Dear Tiny,

This morning our midwife touched your head when she did an initial exam to see how things are progressing towards labor. Isn't that the most bizarre thing to think about? Someone touched your head! Your first human touch! (I don't count the fact that you LIVE in me because that seems like a different thing, by the way...)

Things look pretty good and Dad and I were surprised that I'm already a bit dilated. It sounds like you won't go past your due date and we agreed that we really need to pack that hospital bag stat! I brought home a bunch of stuff from my desk at work today in case you come before Monday... that's a surreal feeling, let me tell you.

Hearing that you were progressing nicely and knowing that your head is down and such made it all so real for me. I know that I say a different version of that sentence every week, but it didn't make me scared of labor; instead it made me focused and driven about getting enough rest so that I'm in good shape when you come out.

And on that note, you and I have a date with an early bedtime from now til then. I haven't been awake this much in the middle of the night since college.

See you soon!
