
Dear Tiny,

Lately it's been harder to find the energy to sit down and write a post at the end of every day. I usually scribble down a few words about you each day and even if I can't actually write the post each day, I can backfill every few days or so. Today I've already taken 2 naps, so I'm going to do a combo post. This week:

  • Dad and I went to a Bon Iver concert at Radio City Music Hall (you liked the old songs the best... GOOD TASTE!)
  • Aunt Kate came to visit for a few nights and we went to another Bon Iver concert (!) and took a look at a copy of my chart and examined you from my bump... she says that I'm "full of baby" at this point. Woo!
  • Our midwives declared you fully-baked! We hit 37 weeks earlier this week and so you're now officially full-term. You can come whenever you'd like!
  • One of your Arc90 friends was born! Baby Anthony was born yesterday morning and we're all looking forward to you coming out to meet him... 
  • I've started to have some Braxton Hicks (fake contractions) and it's feeling much more real that you're on your way. Especially since Anthony was born... we're next in line and we keep wondering when you'll get here. Odds are that you'll be late but of course Dad and I wonder 10 times a day if I'm about to go into labor. 
We're feeling ready, buddy! 
