
Dear Tiny,

Although we haven’t met yet, I know both of your parents pretty well, especially your Mama, and I think that you and I should get along just fine. Underneath my grey hair, I’m still pretty much of a kid myself, just a few years older than you. Once you get here and get your feet under you, so to speak, we’ll figure out some good things to do together to get to know each other.

One thing I should tell you before we get started—I don’t do text messaging or even answer my cell phone, so if you want to talk to me you’ll have to do it the old fashioned way and call the home phone. If it makes you feel any better, I do know how to use email, but I don’t do Twitter, or follow people so you’re going to have to get used to communicating with those of us who were born in the last century. You could also write me a letter—your mom can show you how when you know your abc’s. I love to get mail and I’ll make sure that I write back to you soon.

I guess you’ll be calling me Pop Pop Epting, which is funny since there were two other pop pops before me who were called the same thing. They’re both gone now but I’ll tell you about them and the rest of the family when we have a chance.

I guess that’s about all for now. Enjoy your last few weeks of peace and quiet in there. It’s going to be loud when you get here, so you’d be wise to catch up on your sleep while you can. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Pop Pop Epting