Dear Tiny,
Tonight when I got out of the subway, I ran into two guys I went to high school with! It was the craziest thing. One of them has a three month old daughter and we got to talking about pediatricians and daycare in the neighborhood (it was all very boring to the other guy, since we now count as Old People Who Only Talk About Their Kids). We joked about how we should split a nanny share between his daughter and you and I realized how CRAZY it would be if we stayed in Brooklyn until you're school-age. You would be going to school with the children of people I went to school with! In a completely different town! Bizarro.
This guy was telling me about all of the things his daughter does already, like smile and babble a little and hold her head up. Yesterday she rolled over for the first time. "She's awesome!" he said and I laughed. I'm really looking forward to telling people how awesome you are too!