Dear Tiny,
A year ago today, your Dad and I had a wedding! It was a beautiful day and we had a great time seeing our friends and family. When you're a little bigger, we'll take you to visit the park where we got married. It's pretty close to Nana and Pop-pop's and I think you'll have a good time running around the grass and the gardens. I'm so happy we got married there; we can go visit anytime we like and it will remind us of that day.
We heard your heartbeat again this morning at our midwife appointment. The midwife said your head seems to be down, but she warned us that you could flip around a bunch over the next 8 weeks. This afternoon I ate some pineapple and you practically kicked a hole in my belly above my bellybutton... so I guess you're still feet-up. (Feel free to stay that way... the only thing more intimidating than labor is labor in which you come out butt-first.)
Dad and I are going to celebrate our 1st anniversary tonight. It's amazing how much has changed in a year... it's totally surreal to think that you'll be almost a year old at our next anniversary! I wonder what kind of trouble you'll be getting into...