
Dear Tiny,

Sorry this is two posts in one, but don't think that we haven't been thinking about you this weekend... we have had ELEVEN hours of childbirthing classes over the past two days! You are basically all we are thinking about. Well, you and the 100 degree heat.

Dad and I went to a class in Park Slope where we met 6 other couples. Their babies will be born before you (one couple is due on your due date but are expecting twins, so they will probably be early). We learned all about the different signs of labor, what to expect in the stages, how Dad can help me stay calm and comfortable, and a bunch of techniques to take with us to the Birthing Center when it's time to go. It was super-informative but I also felt like it was a great experience for Dad and I to do together. It's kind of funny being in the same room as 6 other pregnant couples... everyone was so supportive of each other and in love!

I'm feeling great about the way we're planning to labor with you (naturally). Of course we'll take things as they go and make the decisions that are best for you and me, but I'm feeling really confident about our approach. This is weird to say but I'm really kind of looking forward to labor... I think it's going to be a huge life event in itself, not to mention that we get to meet you at the end of it all!


P.S. You had this hiccups during class this morning... that was crazy!