
Dear Tiny,

When you want to give birth at the Birthing Center at St. Luke's hospital, you're required to take a couple of classes. So this morning, Dad and I went into Manhattan to learn all about the procedures in the Birthing Center and to get a tour of the physical space where we will meet you for the first time.

There were lots of other expecting parents there, all of them due around the same time as us. In fact there was another couple due with a little boy on your due date! We joked that we might see them in the Center on the 11th... that would be crazy.

Tiny, it was so, so crazy to visit the three rooms in the Center. Unless something weird happens, we will be meeting you in one of those three places! They each have a giant bathtub and lots of good labor stuff (like a ball and a big wedge pillow and rocking chair). It's very private and only three families can be in labor on the Center at the same time. Hopefully it won't be full the night you decide to make your appearance, but if it is we'll just go upstairs to the Labor and Delivery floor.

To be honest, it was also kind of intimidating to walk into those rooms. I'm very aware of the big job that lies ahead of me and the strength it will take to get you out here. I felt a little nervous about it. Maybe one day you'll decide to run a marathon and will have similar feelings on seeing the course for the first time. Preparation is the best way to give yourself a strong shot at doing well... and yet there's a limit to the amount you can seriously prepare.

One of my books says to visualize the labor experience. I know Dad will be there and hopefully Aunt Kate too. I know I will need to trust them to help me through it and I'm very happy to have the support. Hopefully we'll get you out here with minimum interventions and just let nature take its course... and then we'll snuggle you for a long time!
