Dear Tiny,
Tonight the Olympics started! Dad and I watched the opening ceremonies (which were pretty long, to be honest...) This year they're taking place in London and I get nostalgic for my British friends just seeing the footage of the city. One day we'll take you there!
I'd be surprised if you end up wanting to become an expert athlete in one sport or another because, frankly, that's not our style. Dad and I were just talking last night about how he feels less of an expert in one vertical and more interested in the whole picture (especially when it comes to software). Obviously I feel the same way about my career. Jack of all trades, master of none... this seems to be my MO.
If you decide you're obsessed with being a swimmer and need to go to swimming practice every day for 18 years so you can compete in the Olympics, we'll get you a pool pass and cheer you on at the races. But even if you don't, that is AOK by us. We'll watch the Olympics together on the couch!