Dear Tiny,
Hello kick-monster. Today you were batting me around my bellybutton, which means that you are GROWING! You have also been moving like the monster from the blue lagoon and Dad is finally able to see you moving like a little shark across my belly.
I think you were about done with our plane ride today (I know I was... holy discomfort). After all those planes and cars and weird sleeping places, I was craving some comfort and normalcy. Tonight when we walked in the door from the airport, your feline brothers were so happy to see us. I can't wait until you're out of my belly and old enough to get excited to see them too. Oscar and Ollie's snuggly faces after a long trip is totally what we crave.
This week we are going to take some long walks to stretch our legs after all that sitting. I loaded up some podcasts and we're ready to go. So hold tight, mister, it's time to walk our city!