
Dear Tiny,

Tonight you arrived in Wisconsin for the first time! This is where Dad is from. It's very pretty here and it feels laid-back, especially compared to New York. This is where much of Dad's family lives and it reminds me in many ways of visiting my own grandparents in Pennsylvania.

I'm positive that, no matter where your grandparents live, you will find everything about their town slightly more charming than where you come from. (This is a phenomenon known as "grass is always greener,"which is what happens when you forget about your daily life while on vacation and idealize every other place. It's also what happens when someone LIVES to spoil you... this is a normal thing for grandparents to do!)

I remember visiting my Nana and Pop-pop in Schuylkill Haven. My Pop-pop used to take me down to the firehouse while he cleaned the bar on Sunday mornings and he would always let me choose a candy from behind the counter. I usually got a root beer too. My Nana taught me to crochet and we helped her take the stamps off of old envelopes to donate to one of the organizations she volunteered for. I never really quite understood what was happening behind the scenes, but it seemed like there were always random, fun things for us to do together.

We are staying with your Grandpa and Grandma Beth tonight and we just had a tour of their new patio. It is so nice! There are lovely little flowers growing, you can hear so many birds and there are a few comfy chairs too. I can picture bringing you here and letting you wander around the yard, asking what everything is, learning to love flowers and the Packers and other things that your family loves.

Everyone is very excited to meet you, little bear!
