
Dear Tiny,

I'm pretty tired tonight, bud. Today I got to work really early to prepare for two client pitches. Pitching new work to potential clients is a bit like going on a first date. You dress up a little and put your best foot forward. After the presentations I went back to my regularly scheduled job, which includes looking out for the other people who work at our company and having interviews with people who might one day be hired.

That was a lot of selling and worrying about other people all day long.

Luckily I like my work a lot and I think I'm pretty good at it. I hope that you grow up and find passion for something that supersedes one industry; there's nothing better for job security than to enjoy a skill as opposed to an industry. I like helping people. There are lots of ways for me to do that in the world.

Your Dad has a very different skill set. He'll probably teach you how to code if you're interested when you're a little older. Dad is very good at what he does, but more important than the code that he writes are the ideas that live behind the code. Dad is always inventing things and often says "can I talk through an idea with you?" In fact, right now he is at Starbucks working on an idea he has that he can't stop thinking about.

Dad likes to help people too, though. Tonight, when I was so tired of helping others and talking to people, I went right into our room after work to be quiet for a while. I soon heard the vacuum; Dad was cleaning the apartment. I felt very taken care of when I heard that vacuum.

I think this is why we'll probably be a good team in raising you. Kindness and respect, combined with a desire to help each other and share good ideas, is what our marriage is about. I'm happy that you'll get to witness that firsthand.
