Dear Tiny,
Cameo time! This is Dad here. I wanted to write because, hey, I'm a part of this thing too! Hopefully your Mom doesn't mind the intrusion too much.
I've been thinking lately about you and your life and how open to possibility it is. What are you going to be like? Will you like sports? History? Science? Swahili? With your Mom and I as your gene pool, it's pretty much a tossup.
I'm so incredibly excited for you and all the possibility you have built inside you that you don't even know about yet. It comes at a great time for me, as our lives are starting to solidify a bit and I'm starting to be able to get the haziest picture of how our life will be for the next 5-10 years, it's exciting to know that, through you, I'll be able to see all sorts of -new- opportunity in our lives.
I feel a little bit on the sidelines with your Mom carrying you around every day, but I promise that when you're out of there I'll be carrying you around just as much.
And then we'll teach you to walk. And then run.