
Dear Tiny,

Inevitably you will one day grow up and think me and Dad are crazy. That's just the way the parent-child relationship works. But I'll tell you, you're getting a pretty good team here!

Tonight, for example, I realized that what I thought was belly flab this whole time may actually be... YOU! You're much higher than I expected you to be, but I had this funny realization a few minutes ago and then proceeded to google images of pregnant women's bellies. The following conversation ensued:

Dad: Are you googling images of pregnant women?
Me: Yes! I just wanted to see if my belly looks normal compared to them.
Dad: I'll tell you how you know. You ready? Do you have a baby in there?
Me: ... yes.

Oh, Tiny. The adventures we are all going to have and the crazies that have yet to reveal themselves...
